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Top 10 Tricks at El Toro Remastered

January 7, 2022
Will Angiulo

Top 10 Tricks at El Toro

We have taken the liberty of looking through all of the best tricks ever done at El Toro and have narrowed it down to the best 10.

WARNING : These are 10 tricks that will melt your brain

Here is our list - after the 2019 year has come to a close

10) Nick Merlino : Switch Ollie

9) TJ Rodgers : Switch 180

8) Aaron Jaws Homoki : Kickflip melon

7) Jamie Foy : Front Crook

6) Adrien Bulard : Back Tail

5) Dave Bachinsky - Kickflip

4) Heath Kirchart - Lipslide

3) Vincent Milou - Front Blunt

2) Nyjah Houston - Switch Front Lip

1) Clive Dixon - Nollie Noseblunt

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